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台灣女婿帶路 探訪台北最正宗的爵士樂酒吧 / 中國郵報 The China Post

作家相片: Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調


U.K. Saxophonist takes you to the best Jazz bars in Taipei Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調 從1974年營業至今,近四十年的光陰,見證了台灣爵士音樂史。 Founded in 1974, Blue Note Taipeihas witnessed 40 + years of Taiwan Jazz history.

The China Post 中國郵報報導全文連結 [ 台灣女婿帶路 探訪台北最正宗的爵士樂酒吧 ]


2011年Gary在英國發行第一張個人爵士專輯” Moja”(以他的台灣妻子命名),立即榮登爵士音樂榜之首,還受到多方好評,包括來自英國UK Jazz Radio的DJ Michael Linney,以及法國知名音樂制作人/DJ Laurent Garnier的極高評價。愛台灣的Gary也即將在二月中旬拜訪台灣,並將與優秀的台灣爵士樂手們合作,在台北知名的爵士樂酒吧Blue Note Taipei演出。

In 2011, Reader produced his first jazz album “Moja” (named after his Taiwanese wife) which earned him the title of top album in the U.K. Jazz Charts. His music received excellent reviews from high profile artists including Michael Linney, DJ of U.K. Jazz Radio, and Laurent Garnier, a famous French composer and DJ.

Reader’s undeniable love for the island can be witnessed this year around mid-February when he visits Taiwan. The musician will play with many outstanding Taiwanese Jazz musicians at several famous jazz venues in Taipei, including Blue Note Taipei.

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