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作家相片Blue Note Taipei 台北藍調

兩廳院夏日爵士 X 台北藍調 X 麥可王四重奏 NTCH Jazz in da House X BNT X Michael Wang Quartet


今夏處暑 兩廳院音樂廳大廳 搖身變裝霓虹閃耀的酣醺爵士酒吧 !

《 Jazz in da House 》為期兩晚的音樂會裡 串連本地今昔的爵士據點 以六組樂團復刻現場氛圍 帶您穿越時空盡情搖擺。台北藍調榮幸推派的長駐樂團《 麥可王四重奏 》在8月27日的週末夜熱力登場。溪邊卡特與泡泡公主也首次聯手快閃兩廳院 在兩晚的演出現場 同步販售限定雞尾酒 ~ 誠摯邀請您爵士同樂!! This summer, the NCH Lobby is transformed into a jazz bar!!《 Jazz in da House 》connects local jazz scenes now and in the past, the concert re-presents the scenes of 6 venues and visualizes the live ambience with six bands in 2 nights. With great great pleasure, BNT presents you the amazing Michael Wang Quartet on 27 Aug. In case you need some chilling drinks, we also sell special cocktails those 2 nights, CHEERS 🥂

長號手Michael Wang是國際爵士樂界新興的人才。生於台灣,在美國長大,曾獲得伯克利音樂學院的全額獎學金,並於2012-2017年就讀。Michael畢業後,移居紐約開始與Mingus大樂隊,Frank Lacy,Slide Hampton,Valery Ponomarev,Josh Evans大樂隊等藝術家合作 2010年發布了首張專輯“Bone of the Wang Vol. 1”in 2020。然而,好景不常,三月紐約疫情突然大爆發,波及了無數的爵士樂酒吧,前景堪憂,在沉寂數月後,他決定回到他的出生地台灣尋找演奏的新契機。回台後,他很快找到了數位優秀的樂手組成四重奏,開始了紐約到台灣的爵士之旅。樂團成立的宗旨是願藉由表演專輯上的樂曲、爵士樂標準(Jazz Standard)和其它現代樂曲來推廣更多Bebop的曲風。由於在紐約其間他受到許多大師,如Roy Hargrove, Frank Lacy 和 Johnny O'Neal等的薰陶和指導,他希望透過他的演奏,讓台灣喜歡爵士樂的朋友能欣賞到第一手的傳統紐約Bebop,進而與國內樂手做更深度的交流。

葉賀璞是個擁有多重身份的嚼土脊他手。在布魯塞爾音樂院學習成為爵士音樂家之前,他畢業於清華大學電機系。在任教於台南藝術大學應用音樂系之後,他學習了新專長成為整脊師。此外,他經營粉絲專頁-爵士負能量,頗受好評,為爵士樂推廣做出很大的貢獻。 從葉賀璞的音樂中,你能夠感受到多重個性,是一場多層次的音樂響宴。Hailed as one of the innovative jazz guitarists in Taiwan, Hope Yeh draws influences from European jazz, blending contemporary jazz sounds with elegant sense of humor. Equally prized as a guitarist and composer, Hope Yeh has brought a sound full of warmth, fluency and rhythmic clarity to the jazz scene in Taiwan. Having released several albums under his name, Hope Yeh plays in the form of both solo and trio, with a selection of his strikingly advanced originals and covers of Taiwanese folksongs.

來自台灣的鼓手,活躍於兩岸三地音樂圈,不時參與各大音樂節、演唱會、專輯錄音活動;近年更以爵士樂手身份於世界各地演出。曾於 2004 年獲選為 Yamaha Asian Beat Grand Final 最佳鼓手,並於 2012 年簽約為相信音樂藝人積極發展演藝事業。目前擔任 R.O.O.T 以及劉德華世界巡迴演唱會鼓手,為 Canopus Drums、Meinl Cymbals、Schlagwerk 品牌代言人。Huang is a Hong Kong based drummer and an active musician who is easily found in major music festivals and concerts across Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South-East Asia. Besides recording albums for himself and other musicians, he has emerged as a jazz musician and made himself relevant in jazz in the past few years. Huang was also dubbed as the Best Drummer of Yamaha Asian Beat Grand Final, and started his career in the entertainment industry with a contract signed with B’in Music in 2012. He is currently an endorser for Canopus Drums & Meinl Cymbals.

2013年參與電影『夢糖工廠』拍攝及配樂錄製。2014年與『In Tap』和『小節慶爵士樂團』於水源劇場展演、並首次發表個人創作『Sleep Devoted』。


2015年參與Elin Lee (李宜玲)首發專輯『Breathing』台灣巡迴演出。



2018年與德裔鋼琴家Julian Moreen共同策劃『原創音樂巡迴演出計畫』並擔任台灣及亞洲地區總策劃,並以Julian Moreen為首組成Julian MoreenQuartet。


2019年隨Julian Moreen Quartet受邀於台中爵士音樂節演出、並策劃2019台灣地區交流與展演。


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